Narrative-Invitational Approaches to Working with Men who use Violence
For Practitioners:
Drawing inspiration from the work of Alan Jenkins, Rob Hall, and Michael White, and forming feminist and ethical responses to violence, abuse and restorative justice, this workshop opens space for counsellors, therapists, social and community workers to reflect and practice ethical and accountable ways of working with instigators to reduce violence and harm in communities.
Join Sonja Baram & Friends as we explore the scaffolding of respectful interviewing that provides the conditions for facing-up and being accountable to often shameful acts towards partners and children. Important topics over these three days include:
​first conversations to map out a therapeutic journey of responsibility and accountability.
invitations to a client to 'tell it like it is'.
developing skills to respectfully interrupt stories of blame, justification or denial
bringing forward non-violent hopes and ethics as parents and partners to becoming
responding to shame (and avoid 'shaming')
Refer also to ANROWS (Australia's National Research Office for Women's Safety) research, available for downloading: Engaging men who use violence: Invitational Narrative Approaches.
We welcome practitioners from a wide range of settings from health and mental health to correctional services, child protection services through to academic and social policy. This workshop will also invite participants to reflect on their own parallel ethical and political journeys in working with men who abuse.
Facilitator Sonja Baram & Friends