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Narrative Therapy Intensive Level One

Narrative Therapy Intensive Level One

Currently Only Available to Organisations

Adelaide Narrative Therapy Team

Not for the faint hearted: theoretical distinctions will be traversed such as spaces between structural and post-structural, and beyond, then back to the material and pragmatic experiences of client's lives. Any and all questions are welcome.

The following maps of narrative practice will be outlined – Externalising the Problem (‘the person is not the problem; the problem is the problem); Statement of Position Map (Invitations to ‘take a position’ on the predicaments in a person’s life in light of what is valued); Reauthoring Map (a teasing out of the ideas and skills that support a ‘rich and thick’ alternative story);

This invigorating workshop will also invite the sharing of passages of work and transcripts from the presenter and participants. While mornings will be spent in teaching and conversation, afternoons will settle into intensive hands-on reflective practice of skills.

Terry Callahan continues to be delighted and extended by the possibilities for rich story development with individuals, couples and groups who share their lives with him.

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